Now the world has the new largest atlas, known as “Earth Platinum”. It was unveiled on 12th of July at the British Library in London. The Earth Platinum has beaten another one present at the British Library, known as Klencke atlas.
Earth Platinum has outsized Klencke atlas by 30 cm on each side. Klencke atlas was given to King Charles II on his restoration to the throne. And in 1820s, British library got it with other map collection of King George III.

And he further adds on the importance of an atlas like Earth Platinum, “while the Klencke Atlas provides an insight into the world of British monarchs in the seventeenth century, and what they thought was important about it, the Earth Platinum will offer a reflection of what people of 2012 felt was worth recording about their very different world. It will be an astonishing resource for researchers in ten, twenty or two hundred years of time.”

Earth Platinum was published by Australian publishers Millennium House. And it consists of 61 pages of maps. The maps for this Atlas are produced by using satellite images and some other photographic technique which brings thousands of photographs into one whole image.
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